Our Services

Customized Services To Meet Your Need

Omkara Group offers a complete risk assessment to include, manned guarding, event security, facility management, executive protection, equipment integration, and security consultation. Our staff is highly trained and fully prepared to handle worst-case scenarios that may occur in or around your high-rise office building. We provide security for a variety of buildings, including banks, healthcare facilities, retail stores, convenience stores, industrial structures, and sporting venues. We can help you with all aspects of security.

Manned Guarding

Manned guarding is Also known as security guards, security officers, security personnel. We provide high-quality, trustworthy, trained, trustable, cross-skilled security personnel. Manned guarding is a highly effective method of preventing criminal damage and theft, making it one of the most proactive crime-prevention measures available. It is a security service that entails stationing security guards on your premises; this could be only during business hours or 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Our manned guarding security service is much more than just a security presence on your property. Manned guarding reduces the possibility of theft and vandalism, can lower your insurance costs, and our security guards can raise the alarm if a crime attack, or something similar, occurs at your premises upon hours. It is an excellent proactive solution to your security strategy, ensuring that your assets are safeguarded and your insurance coverage is not impeded.

We strive to prevent damage, disorder, and theft, as well as to protect individuals from assault or injury. Contact us for more information regarding our manned guarding services.

Two watchmen standing outside of fence
Group of security guards on event show

Event Security

We are specialists in the provision of world-class event security, having built a team with expertise in the industry. Wherever your event takes place, our specialized team of security specialists can provide you the assurance you need to organize a safe and secure event. Plannin’ huge events like a music festival or sporting competition are no easy task, especially when the world is watching.

No matter how long or short an event may be, we’ll continue to monitor the effectiveness of our security measures. If necessary, we’ll make changes to the client’s contracts to provide the highest standard of service. Hence our availability and commitment to providing comprehensive, detailed, and consulting service to our consumers.

We are able to provide world-class security solutions by working closely with our clients. Because of this, we provide our clients with complete budgetary transparency, letting them know exactly what costs have been incurred and where.

Facility Management

We provide facility management services, housekeeping services & cleaning services. All of our functions are environmentally friendly, and we adhere to all compliance with statutory manpower, health, and safety regulations. We begin with the best strategies, equipment, and tools, as well as the best support staff. In addition, we provide professional cleaning services. Our services also include taking care of the property and ensuring its proper utilization, appearance, and maintenance.

As an integrated facility management service provider, We provide an array of support services that are tailored to each client’s needs. A wide range of industries uses our facility management services, from manufacturing to hospitality to private organizations. Because of skilled professionals and world-class business solutions, we were able to leave our impact across industries, throughout India.

Women cleaning the desk
Four Security Officers

Executive Protection

Executive protection professionals at Omkara Group specialize in safeguarding employees from injury and humiliation, each with its own unique threat scenario. For executive protection, We recognize that there isn’t a typical, off-the-shelf answer. While protecting clients’ interests, we strive to strike the right balance between best practices and threat scenarios. In this way, we can offer a genuinely customized solution for a well-resourced defensive programme.

Our ultimate aim is to offer a comprehensive security environment for our clients to do business and enjoy their lives while minimizing risk and safeguarding them from those who seek to harm them—no matter where they are on the earth. We will regularly interact with the client and guided them through enterprise-wide choices and implemented protections for a more robust security environment across all sites.

Equipment Integration

Providers of Integrated Security Systems Considering security and safety as a priority, we have built a highly trained team of technical specialists for consulting, developing, and implementing all electro-mechanical security systems available today.

By installing specific technical mechanisms, security equipment allows for the early identification and eradication of security risks to employees and assets of the institution. In addition, these solutions are provided to a variety of security-related companies. This includes boom barriers, personnel security, surveillance equipment (Iris/biometric), VDP and DVRs as well as finger print lockout technology (fingerprint lockout). These are just a few of the services we offer.

Man installing CCTV camera

Security Consultation

We accept that each site has specific requirements, and our security arrangements are personalized to reflect this. This will all be determined by the size of the site, your company’s location, and any associated risk. Omkara Group works hard to deploy the best security guards for your particular needs. We never entrust security officers and instead hire only the best people to represent us and enforce our exceptionally high expectations. We maintain a level of agility that allows us to respond to security threats rapidly and effectively. Our well-trained security guards and professional management team enable us to keep others safe, protect your property, and prevent criminal acts.

Our aim is to provide a safe, secure and welcoming environment for all our customers. Contact us for your security consultations and needs.

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